THe Studio + SALON

Weird Specialty Studio is a living gallery celebrating and supporting creative communioN

Please fill out a brief application to see if you’re a fit to become a member of the Salon.


Inspired by Gertrude Stein’s Salon and early 20th century tea rooms — Our salon invites inspiring individuals who are passionate about connection & creativity to join.

Members are invited monthly to our studio for uniquely intimate gatherings that blend entrepreneurialism, artistic expression and business acumen.

Through bringing like-minded individuals together, we are building a community of values-driven creative and cultural entrepreneurs based in the Hudson Valley who are female identifying. 

Upcoming events

Events at the studio are intimate experiences blending creative entrepreneurialism with the uniqueness of the Hudson Valley’s creative class.



Membership fees help cover expenses for members only gatherings, providing collective expansion of creative entrepreneurialism and driving economic and cultural growth for our region.



INcluded in membership

  • Curated, topical meetings and events focused on supporting the needs of micro-to-small creative businesses.

  • Early registration for all ticketed events.

  • Membership community directory.

  • Special rates for 1-on-1 advising services, intensives & workshops.

  • Access to all digital content.

  • SMS opt-in for real-time hot takes, recommended reading/listening, etc.

Your membership supports:

  • The growth of a forward-looking creative and cultural entrepreneurship community.

  • Ongoing development of relevant business strategies for creative professionals. 

  • Professional development to support creatives working with, not against, today’s rapidly evolving socioeconomic landscape.

  • The nurturing of a healthy independent creative community focused on holistic sustainability, creativity in any/all mediums, commerce, and small and independent business.

  • Regular online and offline community gatherings for thinkers and doers who aspire to creative and cultural leadership.

  • A place for the gathering and dispersal of ideas within creative industries locally, nationally, and globally.

  • The expansion of OFFLINE, a think tank dedicated to exploring sustainable marketing and social media practices for creative entrepreneurs.


located in the heart of tivoli NY, the Studio provides a rich atmosphere for hosting intimate in-person events for Salon & community members.

Our thoughtfully curated calendar of events amplify the values driven creative founders we work and engage with, inspiring new levels of artistic and professional growth while celebrating the diversity of our members.